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Cherry Wax


Cherry Wax is a cherry scented water based acrylic floor wax. It is perfect for small areas as well as large commercial areas as it can be applied by mop or high speed burnishing. Cherry Wax yields rapid gloss build along with superior long term wear characteristics. It’s superior resistance to wet and dry traffic wear can yield a smooth polished look for months without maintenance. Cherry Surf-Wax should be used on any sealed surface where a rapidly high gloss build and superior maintenance properties are desired.


Cherry Wax is a cherry scented water based acrylic floor wax. It is perfect for small areas as well as large commercial areas as it can be applied by mop or high speed burnishing. Cherry Wax yields rapid gloss build along with superior long term wear characteristics. It’s superior resistance to wet and dry traffic wear can yield a smooth polished look for months without maintenance. Cherry Surf-Wax should be used on any sealed surface where a rapidly high gloss build and superior maintenance properties are desired.

Additional information

Weight N/A

1 Gallon, 5 Gallon